You can sell your car online to a dozen different car buying sites like Why people want to put themselves at risk to try to make a few extra bucks is unfathomable. Here is a horrible story about a student that sold his car on Craigslist and is now missing. We see dozens of scams each week where people pose as interested buyers and steal vehicles or rob people at gunpoint. The best tip we have is to avoid Craigslist, its not a safe place to sell anything that you can’t box up & mail to someone and for that we recommend Ebay.
If you want to sell your car yourself pick up the phone or submit an inquiry to an online car buying website. If you come to terms on price, they should have a process that includes a digital purchase agreement. Ask the buyer to send you his drivers license via text, if they refuse then bail and call another source. Its your car and more importantly it’s your safety!