Study shows Craigslist extremely dangerous
Recent studies reveal a significant spike in murders linked to Craigslist ads, in fact Georgia and Florida lead the nation. We have cautioned people in our blogs to stay away from Craigslist due to the high percentage of scam activity. Theft and identity theft were primarily the biggest risk a few years ago, but this activity has graduated to capital crimes and it is just not safe to sell a vehicle or high ticket item on Craigslist without compromising personal safety. There are other online venues that require the seller to list a vehicle with a credit card like;,,, etc. that attract legitimate buyers and sellers. These sites spend millions of dollars policing their sites to weed out potential scammers where Craigslist is like the Wild West and there are no sheriffs!
A major misconception about is that a seller can get more for their car than from a dealer or online car buyer, like Generally, when you factor in time, risk and the pain associated with listing and selling your car to a private buyer there is no significant lift in price. Risking your life or that of a loved one is most certainly not worth a few hundred dollars anyway!