Where can you find information about our company?
Well, there’s a few different ways and we hope these convince you we’re the easiest, fastest, and safest way to get cash for your car. We think you’ll agree, we’re the best at buying vehicles and we hope you’ll sell your car to us!
View our BBB® profile; Car Buyer USA is proud to be a member in good standing. The BBB®’s strict guidelines and consumer friendly interface makes it easy to satisfy customers completely.
National Independent Automobile Dealers Association
Find us on National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (Niada), the only national not-for-profit organization that represents the independent motor vehicle industry. And check out their Code of Ethics on their About page. Those aren’t empty promises, we live by them.
Social Media
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You can also search for Car Buyer USA on Google! You’ll find tons of information! Let us know if you still have any questions for us and we’ll be happy to answer them right away!
#1 Car Buying Company Ranked By Sellers

How It Works
We pay cash for cars, trucks, & SUVs, in any condition, anywhere in the Continental USA.