I have one-word adjectives for this topic. I’m not going to be funny, at all. This is serious business. All for a stupid dime in a pocket. Seriously State Farm? I mean c’mon! What tha… is wrong with you? When did greed go so off rail? You encouraged glue to attach the Honda Fit’s roof back on instead of welding it on? 3M’s adhesive that hadn’t even been tested? If this is found to be true; gross misconduct and shame on you, 3M, and John Eagle Collision Center of Dallas, Texas. #SMH Be warned people, when your vehicle has been repaired due to an accident and you go to sell your car, it may not be safe for the new owner. Be smart and put due diligence on your to do list.
According to Autobody News:
“John Eagle Collision Center in Dallas, TX, and State Farm were sued in two separate cases for $1 million for allegedly using only adhesive to attach a new roof panel to a Honda Fit rather than welding it, as required by Honda OEM procedures.”
If this is true, this inherently causes alarm for not only repair centers across the U.S., but State Farm Mutual Automobile Company as well. After all, according to Autobody News it looks like the second suite, if filed but I can’t imagine it won’t be in federal court soon, will attempt to prove the American iconic insurance company influenced the auto repair not meeting OEM specifications to save a dime.
This is not Car Buyer USA’s opinion, but as far as I’m concerned, they may have well used a hot glue gun. If another accident occurs who knows how that roof will act? Adhesive?? Really?? Idiots! All of them! How do you put people’s safety and lives at risk? And not just the driver of this car, there are others to be considered. What if this car is rolling down the road and the roof flies off on a Texas scorching hot day. What? Cross your fingers and hope your actions don’t come back to bite you? If you ask me, this is ignorance and disgusting arrogance at its worse.

It’s kind of hard to even find a way to include that we buy cars, but if your car, truck, van, or SUV is damaged in an accident and you don’t want to risk big insurance has your back, sell your car to Car Buyer USA. And, if you’re interested in the full story we’re following (will keep you posted) you should read the entire article; it’s a real eye opener to how far “the big man” will allegedly go to save a dime. Allegedly because the case against John Eagle Collision Center in Dallas, Texas is still pending and filing of a new law suite is still pending against State Farm and 3M the adhesive manufacturer. If they’re found guilty, these acts are disgusting and unacceptable in monumental ways. Hop over to Crash Calculator to see how Mike Lasini tells you how this ties into diminished value and information on Autobody News’ full story; but before you go. If you are looking to sell your car, fill out our short form for an instant 20-second offer on your car, truck, van, or SUV!